As you may have gathered from my title, I keep getting tagged for the “25 Random Things About Me” Meme that is currently making the rounds of Teh Internetz. However, given that my whole entire blog is pretty much devoted to mocking the randomness that is me, I am seriously scraping the bottom of the barrel here, trying to come up with something new to say. It is not going well (Ex. “My favorite musical interval is the 6th.”)
But, let’s see what I can do.
1. I am TOTALLY OBSESSED with the number eight.
2. No, seriously-OBSESSED.
3. My first name, (Jennifer) has eight letters in it.
4. My maiden name also has eight letters in it.
5. I was born in October, which used to be the eighth month of the calendar year.
6. But then they messed things up by sticking in July, for Julius Caesar.
7. And August, for Augustus.
8. Stupid Roman emperors.
9. And, I was born on the 8th day of the formerly eighth month.
10. I always wondered how all these personal facts came together in such a cool way for me.
11. My best guess:
12. I am possessed of wicked cool supernatural powers, which apparently manifested themselves before I even entered the womb.
13. Shut up-there are TOO magical powers!
14. Hello-didn’t you notice the title of my blog?!
15. My passionate love affair with the number eight has manifested itself in other ways.
16. More specifically, it has taken the form of a particular OCD behavior.
17. For as long as I can remember, whenever I hear people talking,
18. Or am reading words on a page,
19. My mind is constantly rearranging the words and sounds into groups of eight syllables.
20. When I shared this with my first psychiatrist, he thought that was really cool.
21. It’s actually kind of a pain.
22. I also collect 8-syllable words.
23. So far I have have…wait for it…EIGHT!
24. desafortunadamente, neoimpresionismo, neoimpresionante, totalitarianism
25. electroencephalograph, institutionalization, indefatigability, rhinotillexomania