I just saw this over at my friend, Melanie’s, blog, and so now I’m totally copying her so that I have at least one thing to post this week.
“As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I have had together. It doesn’t matter if you know me a little or a lot, are an in-person or an online friend, just write anything you remember!
Nothing like reminiscing……right?
Next (if you choose to), re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.
It’s actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I’ll assume you’re playing the game and I’ll come to your blog and leave one about you. “
Oh Jenny Ryan! I am first!
Okay, we don’t know each other in real life, but I love your name as it rolls off my tongue. If we knew each other in real life I would use your first and last name together every time I saw you.
I do recall being impressed that your blog had fun, silly stuff but also had a spiritual bent that wasn’t preachy. That is what I think of you, your blog and your name.
Jenny Ryan!
I just had to say it one more time before I left. (whispers, “jennyryan.”)
Hey Jenny~ Fun activity…might have to put it on my blog…cuz I just haven’t had the greatest of ideas lately! And this one is fun!
I don’t have one particular memory with you that is standing out right now…it is more flashes on how often we get together and discuss this, that and the other thing…and laugh and laugh and laugh.
I have so much fun with you!
I agree with cardiogirl…you have a great name!
Laugh with ya soon!
Im so on the great name bandwagon. And this is a great post idea! Ive been checking you religiously this week so I feel doubly rewarded. My favorite memory is when you took the comedy class and graduated and did the stand up act. I was so excited for you and proud, you would have thought I did know you in RL!
I know you in real life! (If an Artella retreat is real life? Kinda feels like a dream, now that we’re -what?- 4 years out? could that be?
Anyway, it was in passing…. what I remember was just how much Glenda gushed about you and your humor… I remember your wonderful laugh…I remember being at Wisdom House and playing art/writing; wearing tiaras, being She-roes, learning from and posing with SARK!
I remember you were the only one who followed up with Kolbe stuff and I remember that your MO is almost exactly the same as mine!
I also remember all the times your wonderful blog has given me a LOL belly laugh for which I said, “Thanks again, JennyRyan. Yes you ARE truly “using your powers for good.”
This is a fun game – thanks for being willing to make like your cats and “copy” — I will too!!
~Robin OK