Do you remember that TV show “The Incredible Hulk” where at the beginning Bill Bixby would say, “Don’t make me angry. You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.”? Well I’m the same way, only not with anger but with being bored. I cannot stand being bored, and so if I can’t find anything external to interest me, I’ll go off into the far reaches of my mind and make something up.
Sometimes the results are very cool, like a fun blog post or an inspiration as to how I can completely reorganize the entire house in one afternoon. But sometimes it results in my “casting a spell on myself” and then seeking out my poor, unsuspecting husband, who then has to deal with a wife who is utterly distraught over something she just made up in her head (“nobody loves me”, “I’m doing everything wrong”, “We have no money and we will end up living in a box on the street”, etc.) (Because, at least then I’m not bored!)
Boredom has unfortunately been kind of a problem lately, ever since the Cold And Flu Of Death exploded upon my person at 2:30 am Christmas morning. So I really haven’t had a lot with which to occupy myself, other than to wonder where the &%$# all of this SNOT is coming from (I mean, I know I have a big head and all, but COME ON!)
Fortunately there are a lot of different blogging memes floating around the blogosphere as the year draws to a close, so I’ve been able to find a few things to do. One of my favorite bloggers, Christina of The Patent Princess, did this one a few days ago, and so I decided to give it a whirl myself.
1. Where did you ring in 2006?
On the couch, suffering from undiagnosed bronchitis. Do I know how to party or what?!
2. What was your status on Valentine’s Day?
Continuing to expand my status as, “really cool wife”, I told my husband a couple of years ago that I really wasn’t into celebrating Valentine’s Day. I had this whole diatribe against made-up holidays that cause unnecessary suffering, but I think all he heard was, “Woo Hoo! I’m off the hook!”
3. Were you in school (anytime this year)?
Does the school of life count? Actually, I did finish my certification program and am now officially a certified life coach.
4. How did you earn your keep?
When I could find a few moments to spare from performing my duties as “She Who Feeds Us” and “Official Doorman For Creatures With Attention Spans Smaller Than That Of A Gnat” I tutored high school kids in Spanish.
5. Did you ever have to go to the hospital?
No, but I did have to go to the “Doc In A Box” Immediate Care Center three times where I learned the following interesting fact. Shots in the ass: they’re not just for children anymore.
6. Have you ever encountered the police?
No. (See: Being An Uptight Goody-Two-Shoes, Things At Which I Excel) [Read more…] about The Year In Review-A Survey