I am trying to get The Truth Laid Bare blog ranking system set up on my blog, and I am having A Lot Of Problems.
I have set up an account at truthlaidbare.com.
I have added my blog and validated and confirmed it on the “My Blogs” page.
I put up the Javascript code for my ranking in the ecosystem on my site. (It was up for over a week and I never got any ranking at all.)
But for some odd reason, I cannot “Claim My Blog”. I added my blog over two weeks ago, but when I search for it in the system I get NOTHING.
I even tried all of this in Internet Explorer just in case the problem was Mozilla Firefox, but I still got the same NOTHING results.
I wrote to The Truth Laid Bare asking for help, but I never heard anything back.
So now I am asking you, my Internet friends, what did you do to get this to work on your sites? What am I missing? What am I doing wrong?
Any help would be MOST appreciated, by both me AND my husband as then I would not need to send him a text message later in the day to express my frustration by saying, “I HATE EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING!”