I am trying to get The Truth Laid Bare blog ranking system set up on my blog, and I am having A Lot Of Problems.
I have set up an account at truthlaidbare.com.
I have added my blog and validated and confirmed it on the “My Blogs” page.
I put up the Javascript code for my ranking in the ecosystem on my site. (It was up for over a week and I never got any ranking at all.)
But for some odd reason, I cannot “Claim My Blog”. I added my blog over two weeks ago, but when I search for it in the system I get NOTHING.
I even tried all of this in Internet Explorer just in case the problem was Mozilla Firefox, but I still got the same NOTHING results.
I wrote to The Truth Laid Bare asking for help, but I never heard anything back.
So now I am asking you, my Internet friends, what did you do to get this to work on your sites? What am I missing? What am I doing wrong?
Any help would be MOST appreciated, by both me AND my husband as then I would not need to send him a text message later in the day to express my frustration by saying, “I HATE EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING!”
I am having the very same problem with TTLB. I would so like to be something in the ecosystem, even if it is microscopic. I’ve sent them help messages twice; nothing. Let me know if you have better luck!
I hate to say it, but… I began attempting to square away some issues with TTLB back in January, and gave up around May.
In August — lo and behold! — things squared themselves away.
Also had some issues with Technorati, but a phone call took care of those. TTLB? A different game, a kinda one man show, and ya just takes what ya gets, I guess.
But do keep in mind: ranking games are just that. Back in August, when those TTLB issues somehow cleared themselves up, my “ranking” changed literally overnight from the high 600s (even 700s) to the mid 100s.
It’s an arcane game that belongs to TTLB and he makes whatever rules he wants (cos it’s HIS game, after all) and handles issues whenever he can. Just keep on blogging, giving the voices in your head something to do but play “echo chamber music” and being true to your own voice.
OK, guess I need to read some more of your blog, now. BTW, thanks for dropping by my humble digs.
I have had the same problem with technorati. I logged it all in but don’t understand how to claim it…or even what that means!
yea what is truth laid bare anyways? Besides someything that doesnt sound like it works
Did you talk to Trey yet?
for some reason he seems to be able to fix most of your “technical” issues 🙂 Not to be sexest or anything of course.
No, it’s not sexist. It’s true 🙂
I am actually a tech geek and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to claim my blog at bloglines. I have had similar issues with technorati as well. It is confusing and I don’t think the technology they use is as good as they say. My blog at technorati is always at least two days post behind what they publish. Good luck. (I went over there but they didn’t have my blog on file, so I couldn’t go through the steps to give you any insight!)
In order for TTLB to start tracking your hits, you need to install either statcounter or sitemeter to your site (I can’t remember which but I think it’s listed at TTLB). It took a while for my site to start showing up and yes, he doesn’t answer his emails.
I’m also having problems with Technorati. I’m able to claim my blog but it won’t ping. Even if I try to ping manually, it still shows that the latest update was like 45 days ago. Frustrating!
Good luck!
Oh buddy I could not have less to offer. I tried to follow your link and ended up on a news site. What does the ranking system mean? I can write a testimony if you like! I stalk your blog incessantly, which has to be looked at in a ranking system right?
I have been an “adorable rodent” for months and months, it has become boring… good luck anyways! thanks so much for your wishes on my blogiversary 🙂
I can write a testimony if you like! I stalk your blog incessantly, which has to be looked at in a ranking system right?
It certainly counts with me-thanks!