It’s exam time again, and while it’s great for me because I have lots of work helping all my students get ready, it’s unfortunate on the whole “entertaining story front”. Because truthfully, the Spanish language as a whole? Not really that amusing.
So I hunted around and found a number of different “A to Z” memes. But instead of just filling them out as they are, I combined them all and then picked the prompt I felt like writing about for each letter. Because I’m like that. So here we go.
Accent, Available/Single, Age-Being the shape-shifter that I am, I tend to take on the accent of whoever’s around me. Being the Spanish Maestro that I am, I can also do a mean impression of Mandy Patinkin in the “Princess Bride” when he says, “Hello. My name is Iñigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”
Booze, Best Friend, Birthday-My birthday is October 8,the very best day of the whole entire year. I am very much a person who likes to push the edge of the envelope, and this I attribute to being a Libra
If you’ve ever seen the visual representation of the Libra’s Zodiac sign, you know that it is a set of scales. And the scales are always perfectly balanced. But in my opinion that picture should always have a giant asterisk underneath it and a note that says, “Warning: the state of balance shown here represents the Libran ideal, not their day-to-day experience.”
Because, while I may occasionally reach the state of perfectly balanced scales in my life, as soon as I do I think, “OK, well this is cool. Now, I wonder what happens if I do this?” and then I purposely unbalance my scales in as dramatic and chaotic a way as I can imagine, and then see if I can get back to my previous state of balance.
At least I’m never boring.
Chore I Hate, Cake Or Pie, Career-I consider my vocation in this world to be that of “Spreader of Joy”.
Dogs Or Cats, Drink Of Choice, Dad’s Name-Coca-Cola, AKA “The Elixir Of Life”. I have practically created my own religion with the rituals and practices I’ve formed around this precious liquid life. Seriously. Just ask my husband.
Essential Electronics, Essential Item You Use Every Day, Essential Item To Bring To A Party-Well clearly the answer to ALL of these is, “My BlackBerry”.
Favorite Perfume Or Cologne, Favorite Color, Favorite Song(s) At The Moment-I’m changing this to, “Favorite Smell”, which would be the top of my cats’ heads.
Gold Or Silver, Gummy Bears Or Worms, Goof Off Thing To Do-Gold, baby! Preferably sprinkled with a very liberal amount of sparkly, shiny diamonds.
Hometown-Duluth, Georgia, also known as the home of the “Runaway Bride”.
Insomnia, Indulgence, Instrument You Play-Besides being a shape-shifter, I am also an excellent spell-caster, emotionally and energetically speaking. So in everything I do-writing a blog post, giving a speech, teaching a lesson, telling a story, performing a song-I am playing on the thoughts and feelings of my audience to weave together some sort of experience or ambiance for them. And MOST of the time, I use my powers for good 😛
Job Title, January or February, Jams or Jellies You Like-“She Who Feeds Us”.
Kids-No thanks.
Living Arrangement, Life Is Incomplete Without-Surrounded by lots and lots of books. (Again, with the killing of two birds with one stone here.)
Most Admired Trait, Marriage Date, Mom’s Name-I admire myself because I am very brave.
Number Of Sexual Partners, Number of Siblings, Names Of Good Friends-I have one sibling who is three years younger than me. His name is Jason, but I refer to him as, “The Major Brain.” Because he is. We sympathize with each other over having The Big Head.
Oranges Or Apples, Overnight Hospital Stays-Um, I think both of these questions are really boring, so I’m not answering either one of them.
Phobias, Pets-I am deathly afraid of the imaginary snakes which I know completely surround our house.
Quote-We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. e.e. cummings
Religion, Reason To Smile, Relationship Status-I love being me and love being alive!
Siblings, Season-Summer,a time which I once described to my coach as “the time when I want to take off all my clothes and run naked through the streets with joy.”
Time I Usually Wake Up, Tag Other People, Tea-Yeah, I don’t like this question either, so I’m skipping it.
Unusual Talent, Unknown Fact About Me, Unique Trait-I don’t know that this is a talent so much as a manifestation of OCD, but if I’m ever listening to anyone speaking, in person, on TV, whatever, the whole time I’m listening I’m gathering up all the words they say and grouping them together in patterns of 8 syllables.
Vegetable I Refuse To Eat/Don’t Like, Vegetable You Love-Um, is pizza a vegetable?
Worst Habit/Trait-I’m not admittin’ to nothin’ here.
X-Rays You’ve Had-Most recently I had to have my chest x-rayed because I told my doctor, “It feels like an elephant is sitting there.” She did allow as how the x-ray did turn out to be quite gray.
Yummy Foods You Make, Your Favorite Food-McDonald’s French Fries, AKA “The Nectar Of The Gods”
Zodiac Sign-Libra, as mentioned above.
I can’t even begin to imagine the kind of work that went into making this post happen. This was so creative and ingenious! Yet, I think the subtle idea that makes it funny is the fact that there are THIS MANY surveys and memes out there that you were able to have this much material.
Where are the days when we would waste our time outside in the fresh air and sunshine instead of gazing at the dull light of the computer with its thousands of memes? Hmmm, wait…I’m the latter as well. Dang it!
Sadly, no. Pizza is not a vegatable. But I like your way of thinking!
Well no, pizza isn’t a vegetable. It’s sooo much’s the perfect food when topped properly. It has representatives of each of the different food groups. Add to that the true nectar of the Gods, Coca-Cola, and it’s totally the perfect meal IMO. ::nods::
I am curious however about the Coca-Cola rituals.
This was so creative and ingenious!
Thanks! It was a lot of fun to do.
But I like your way of thinking!
That’s me-always on the leading edge of thinking! 🙂
Well no, pizza isn’t a vegetable. It’s sooo much’s the perfect food when topped properly. It has representatives of each of the different food groups. Add to that the true nectar of the Gods, Coca-Cola, and it’s totally the perfect meal IMO. ::nods::
So so true!