Sparky, of “Philly Transplant”, just tagged me for the following meme:
The Rules:
Each player of this game starts with the “6 weird things about you”. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says “you are tagged” in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
I didn’t know how I could possibly pick out just six of my, um, “eccentricities”, so I decided to ask my husband what he would choose. So here is his list, about me.
“Well, you need to start with your toes,” was his first thought. Oh sure, Mr. “I-Have-Beautifully-Formed-Arches-And-Perfectly-Sculpted-Long-Elegant-Toes”, point out my completely flat feet with toes that curl under why don’t you. It’s not like my self-esteem has taken a big hit with that whole witch thing or anything.
“And then there’s the book smelling,” he continued. Yeah…OK, he’s actually right about this one. Whenever I get a new book or magazine, the very first thing I do is to smell it. I can’t help it. It’s like, “Oh man, I’ve just gotta have a hit of this newly printed smell RIGHT NOW!” I really can’t explain it.
“Oh, then there’s you obsession with increasing your nerd points.”
“And the 8 syllable thing.” I do collect 8-syllable words. So far I have four, one of which means, “a disorder in which one has an obsession and compulsive urge to excessively pick his/her nose”.
“And there’s your irrational fear of the basement.” Hello-it’s a scary place! Do you remember The Rat Saga Of 2006?!
OK, I know that’s only 5 things, but frankly, I was kind of glad he stopped when he did.
Phew! So glad I got all of that off my chest! Now I’m going to tag:
1. Baggage
2. DK Raymer
4. Christina
5. Tiggerprr
6. and Lynne
Hehe that was fun! Glad I made you snort! You’ve certainly made me snort before, so it’s good karma! š
Thank God, I’m not tagged.
Haha this was great….I do the book sniffing thing aswell!
Other people don’t smell books? THEY’RE wierd.
My absolute favorite book smell is a new bible. If you haven’t smelled one, next time you’re out and if you happen upon a Christian book store, go find you a nice leather coverd one, take it out of the box and give it a smell.
I have a new book on math that was printed in India, and it has totally different paper and everything. I spent the first ten minutes checking out the binding and feeling the paper and smelling it. Doesn’t everyone?
Thanks for doing it!
I do the book thing too, not magazines though, because they always slip those perfume samples in.
So glad to know I’m not the only “book-smeller” out there!
I finally did it!