A couple of years ago my in-laws bought a home up in the mountains of North Carolina. They have slowly been re-doing it, but haven’t yet gotten to the upstairs bathroom, where the previous owners made the unfortunate choice to paper the walls entirely in sheet music from old show tunes.
I guess it does give you something to look at while you’re in there, but mostly it’s just kinda weird.
This week when we were up there for Thanksgiving, my husband drew my attention to a particular title to which he wanted me to pay special attention:
To which I replied, “Not once in our wedding ceremony did I ever utter the word ‘obey’ dude! And I have the video graphic evidence to prove it.”
Good for you! My husband knows better. 😀
He just likes to mess with me. I always tell him, “You’d HATE it if you had a wife who never thought for herself or made any decisions.” And he always tells me that I’m right.
I make a point to never obey. Of course, I always keep them guessing about whether I love them too…
My mom gave me a cross stich that she made it is on my wall it says “Love, Honor, and Negotiate” And that is the way it should be.
Yup, my husband likes to mess with me too sometimes. I say the same thing, that if he wanted a quiet, lady-like, un-opinionated wife he wouldn’t have married me. I put it all out there for him, his mistake, lol!
I make a point to never obey.
I hear ya! 😀
“Love, Honor, and Negotiate”
Yes-as it should be 🙂
I say the same thing, that if he wanted a quiet, lady-like, un-opinionated wife he wouldn’t have married me.
I think that bathroom is kind of cool, if not Hilde-esque.
And my hubs would know way better than to try to pull that BS with me. I made sure ‘obey’ was nowhere in the vows. We had Dennis Miller, the Velveteen Rabbit, the Book of Ruth…but no ‘obey’.
Ha! Fie on your husband!
From your pic it looks like the walls would be more overwhelming than interesting…just too much stuff going on.
However, I do know of a well-known author who supposedly papered a (small) bath with all of her rejection letters before she actually got published. Even if it was a small bath, that’s a LOT of rejection letters!