When my brother and I get together, the topic of conversation often turns to a discussion of our big heads. I don’t mean that metaphorically (although I have certainly been guilty of that many times). I mean it literally; as in, hats never fit me; when my chiropractor is working on me she often remarks, “Wow, your head is really heavy!”; and in the wedding picture of me and my husband dancing our first dance cheek to cheek, my head appears to be approximately 85 times the size of his.
I would REALLY like to tell you that having a very large heads corresponds to some kind of exceptional quality, like extra brains or heightened critical thinking skills. And I suppose I could. But I know that I would just be completely making that up, and I don’t like to just pull things out of my ass like that when it’s something someone could actually (factually) check.
However I did discover one unexpected advantage to having a big head today. If for some reason, like for example, your dermatologist is about to scrape what is either a wart or a benign Something-With-A-Really-Complicated-Medical-Name off the top of your scalp, and you have to get injected with anesthetic directly into your head? It’s really not so bad. Nothing like getting multiple shots in the ass.
So there you go. Big head? Big needle? No problem.
You had needles in your head. This is me hyperventilating. And wishing I had a big head in case this ever happens to me!
Thanks. I needed to laugh out loud today. I too, have a massive cranium. That’s what I call it to deflect snide remarks about it. But then, the rest of me is pretty big too so it might not be as out of whack as it seems to me.
Side note: If you have never seen the Mike Myers movie, So I Married An Axe Murderer from the 1990’s. You MUST rent it. If for no other reason than this one scene where Mike Myers’ character goes home and his Dad (also played by Mike Myers) constantly picks on his younger brother character about his huge head. It’s worth watching for that one scene alone.
You had needles in your head. This is me hyperventilating.
I know this is probably very telling about me (and not in a good way), but it actually bothered me WAY more to have the wart on my head than to have to endure the needle.
I too, have a massive cranium. That’s what I call it to deflect snide remarks about it.
Awesome. I’m totally stealing that!