Recently I have been having some really great sessions with my coach, where we are clearing out a lot of old “stuff” in my life and making room for new stuff to come in. I’ve been pretty excited about all the progress I’m making, and so one night I described in grand detail to my husband how I’ve reached this fabulous new mental and emotional place from which to launch the next phase of my life.
Apparently what really happened was that cleaning out all of that inner, mental space means that now I just have more time and energy to spend obsessing about the fact that there is something growing on the top of my head. This means that we have been having a lot of conversations like this:
My husband: “So, what do you want to do for dinner?”
Me (hysterically): “I DON’T WANT TO HAVE A HEAD MOLE!”
I also got my permanent crown last week, which means that when I’m not freaking out over the Foreign Body Protruding From My Scalp I’m walking around the house announcing things like, “My fake tooth feels so shiny and smooth!”
Not surprisingly, things around here are going a little more slowly (I have a head mole!) than I had anticipated (And a fake tooth!) as I figure out a new strategy (My fake tooth, it is so smooth!) for dealing with this new level (Now all my other teeth feel so sharp and pointy!) of crazy-ass, monkey-mind chatter (Maybe I’m part wolf!)
Seriously, my mind? One scary place.
Im not sure if its a good thing or a bad thing that you could literally move into my house without raising an eyebrow. From my fears that Im secretly a hunchback (announced as “rub my hump and make a wish honey”, which brings the annoyed response “You DO NOT HAVE A HUMP”) to forcing my husband to examine the bumps on my tongue because I feel its topography might be changing as I develop the first known case of tongue leprosy, Im right there with you sister.
LOL, you make Mrs Duck and her weird mole searching on my body look, well just as strange as ever, but not as funny
LOL!!!! You are so awesome :~)
CRSE-It’s like we’re twins separated at birth! 😀
Thanks, Debra! Awesome is so much better than scary!
weird mole searching on my body
So glad I’m not the only one.
Just a word of comfort to ya: that’s NOT a mole growing outa the top of your head.
You’re just budding.
And yeh, I found you from your comment at Diane’s Stuff.
(BTW, it’s not like I haven’t dropped b y before, but since I keep forgetting to blogroll you, I HAVE to keep finding your blog all over again… *sigh* I’m about 3 cupsa joe shy of “normal” right now, so let’s just see if I c`an remember to blogroll you once I click away… )
You’re just budding.
Thank you. I like that much better. Thanks for finding me again and saying hi!