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I recently had a conversation with one of my friends, discussing the time about fifteen years ago when she came down to North Carolina to visit her boyfriend’s family.
My friend: “You know, I really don’t like lima beans.”
Me: “Ew! Me either.”
My friend: “And they didn’t just give me a spoonful or two. They served me an entire DISH of those things.”
Me: “Ugh!”
My friend: “But I was a good sport, and I ate it to be polite.”
Me: “Good for you.”
My friend: “But I had to draw the line at squirrel.”
Me: “What?!”
Me: “WHAT?! They tried to make you eat SQUIRREL?!”
My friend: “Yep.”
Me: “Please, oh please, tell me that at least your boyfriend thought that was weird.”
My friend: “Nope. He didn’t say a thing.”
Me: “On behalf of the entire South, I am truly sorry, and I deeply apologize.”
Thats just plain inconsiderate. You just cant serve a person a bowl of lima beans and expect them to eat it politely. Now squirrel is a whole different matter. Once I opened my brother’s refrigerator to find a dead hairless squirrel floating in something. I screamed. He thought this was very funny. I wish we were from the south. It would add some gentility to the story….
eww eww ewww
eww eww ewww
I screamed. He thought this was very funny.
I will never understand boys :p