Thirteen Things I Want To Say To Nick Lachey
For some reason whenever I hear his song, "What's Left Of Me", I get really
cranky and I just want to go and give him a piece of my mind.
1."Watched my life pass me by -- in the rearview mirror"2. Yeah, it must be so tough to spend all your timewith one gorgeous woman after another.3. "Pictures frozen in time -- are becoming clearer"4. Really? Like how you maybe should have noticed a long time agothe Giant Red Flag Of Warning that is Joe Simpson'sobsession with his own daughter?5. "I don't wanna waste another day -- stuck in the shadow of my mistakes"6. Um, like marrying a girl who had absolutely no clue whatsoeverhow to function as an adult or take care of herself? Needy much?7. "Now I'm broken, and I'm faded -- I'm half the man I thought I would be "8. Yeah, I bet you are.9. "But you can have -- what's left of me."10. What?! Seriously? You're offering me yourbloody, broken, beaten down carcass?11. And I'm supposed to be enticed into thinkingthat this is something completely irresistible?12. "Take what's left of this man/Make me whole once again"13. Um, no thanks. Take the responsibility for FIXING YOURSELF FIRST(Hello! Don't be all co-dependent like Jessica here!), and then we'll talk.(Leave your link in comments, I'll add you here!)
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ali says
wow…i’m impressed that you can think of 13 things to say to him. 🙂
great list! happy tt!
Darla says
Oh, nice job! I love 10 & 11. 🙂
Momish says
Well said! I wouldn’t even want him whole, yet alone a broken ugly mess. Couldn’t agree with you more on this one. Great list!
Stacy says
Very entertaining, loved this one! 🙂
Have a great day, and thanks so much for stopping by my T13 earlier!!!
Diana says
You know, I used to think he was the one who had the clue, but watching his actions now… I’m not so sure. Does he really want another relationship with a pretty fame-monger?
Erica says
Very funny! I can’t stand either one of them, to be honest.
Sparky says
Hilarious. Jessica is a manufactured singer, hey kind of like 98 degrees, so maybe they did belong together. Though im scared because I remember 98 degrees. Happy TT
JB says
I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this song is a sappy mess!
Colleen Gleason says
Hee hee! Great list, and right on the money.
Caryle says
Oops, I tried this once, but the system ate it.
Thanks for the giggles. I can’t stand Jessica Simpson.
Gail says
Good ones! I couldn’t think of 13 to say to him either, but yeah, who would want what’s left of him!
amy says
I loved this…
Cheysuli says
As usual humans over rate themselves and men tend to overrate themselves far more than women… I couldn’t have given a better example myself…
Caylynn says
Too funny! 🙂 Thanks for the laugh! Have a great Thursday. 🙂
Nikki says
OMG that is soo funny. You are like…right on! Hey could you read my TT as well? =P Thanks.
Domestic Geek says
OMG, this cracked me up! I’d like to smack him upside the head to knock some sense into him, too. Happy TT!
Silver says
lol – thanks for the laugh 😀
Debby says
LOL! Cute. Happy Thursday!
Audrey says
Love it!
Lisa says
I couldn’t have thought of 3 things to say to him…so you’re ahead of me on this one!
Thanks for stopping by my 13!
Christine says
That was hilarious!Thanks for the laugh. I agree,who would want what’s left of him!
Happy Thursday!
Les says
That is a great list. Some of the things I am sure he needs to hear!!!
Happy TT!!
DK Raymer says
Gee, I can’t think of a thing to add to your list – except maybe this: I hope he doesn’t breed. One generation of dumb and self-absorbed is quite enough, thank you. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Happy TT.
Cindy Swanson says
This is one of the funniest TT’s ever…what a great idea! There’s a few songs I’d like to parse, too. 🙂
My TT is up…
Neila says
That is AWESOME!! I will never listen to that song the same way again. Great Thursday Thirteen!!
Danielle says
Ha Ha Ha!!! That’s too funny!
You should record it into a parody song and send it to all the radio station’s…better yet, just post it online!
celfy says
This is totally inspired and brilliant. Well done.
Chelle says
I do not really care for either of them! 🙂
Lisa says
Hate him, hate the song, think he and Jessica Simson are no talent dorks. Wheee! That was some good hating! You said what was in my mind re: that insipid song.
Good (and inventive!) 13!
Thanks for popping by Snarkypants and cheering me up over my lamest 13 ever! hehe
Have a good weekend.
David says
Thanks for this validation of my assessment of popular contemporary music. *heh* Yeh, I had to google the song and read the so-called lyrics. That you limited yourself to thirteen things shows great restraint.
Brony says
Thanks for making me smile.
Happy TT!
bernie says
I had no idea the words to any of his songs were supposed to mean anything.
Thanks for visiting me.
I linked to you from TT -13 reasons you know it’s 2006
Addie says
Hi There – thanks for stopping by my TT. Happy TT to you as well 🙂
Funny TT. Thanks for stopping by mine.
nat says
AWESOMEly funny. You tell him, hon! Thanks for coming by my TT!
Tink says
I don’t know the song, but I’m not a Nick fan too. Funny TT!
Frances says
You should submit that to People or US magazine.
Thanks for swinging by my site.
See you next week,
LuluBunny says
ROTFL – you cracked me up big time with this list – THANKS 🙂
buttercup says
I just don’t get the Nick Lachey thing. He’s too cromagnum for my tastes.
Thanks for stopping by my TT!
Huberama says
very funny – LOL!
Meg says
ROFLMAO! Thanks, I was in need of a chuckle!!!
tinker says
MommyBa says
Hilarious!!! Love it!
Thanks for visiting my TT and have a happy weekend!
CRSE says
On a related note, I saw a picture of Christina Agulara (sp?) yesterday and thought the cover was about transgender issues. Sometimes i just think things like “why do i know nick lachey’s name?”