Baggage over at Baggage and Bug is hosting a blog carnival on the topic, “What I Want You To Know”. I’ve never participated in a blog carnival before, so here I go.
What I want you to know is that I have always considered myself to be a “Black Sheep Girl In A White Sheep World”. Not because of any horrible traumas or dramatic personal failures, but just because I’ve always felt so different than everyone else around me.
I come from a family that is full of mathematicians, accountants, engineers, chemists, and financial planners. And I…write a humor blog on the Internet. So while my family members are all working through serious issues like, “Gee, I wonder how we can get these molecules to bond together and form this new cancer drug,” I am wrestling with complex problems like, “Hm, would it be funnier to use the word ‘underwear‘ or ‘underpants‘ in this story? And is there any possible way to work in the word, ‘weasel'”?
And that is just one of the many ways that I am proud to be a black sheep girl in a white sheep world.
Hi! Thanks for visiting my T13. I’m with you – blogging is so much more interesting than maths or chemistry – then again I’m a total dunce at all that stuff.
Good for you Jenny! Humor has tremendous power in affecting the world & people’s lives. Your job is just as important as your other family members’. 🙂
BTW, thanks for visiting my blog.
BTW, I can relate to your “black sheep of the family” feeling — I come from a family of generations of doctors, and my dad wanted badly for me to become a doctor too. Well, I was a registered nurse for only a few years, then “ran away” from the medical field altogether. I’m now a professional life coach and I’m very happy with it.
What is a blog carnival? I went to that site through TT but didnt want to sound stupid. I figured since Ive been blog stalking you for a few weeks it would be ok…
Doing what makes you happy is important. And in your case, it’s really good because you make others happy in the process.
How many times does an accountant really, truly make a difference in someone else’s life?
Thank you for all the nice words about my writing and humor! 🙂
To the best of my knowledge (since I am a newbie), a blog carnival is where a bunch of bloggers get together and all write a post on the same topic, and then one site “hosts” the carnival by providing a link to all the blogs that are participating. It’s a lot like the Thursday Thirteen, except that in the carnival everyone writes about the same topic.