13 Tag Lines I Decided Not To Use In My Tutoring Business
Before I start with my list I just want to announce that my very first podcast EVER is up and ready to go. If you’d like to listen to me speak about being a “Black Sheep Girl In A White Sheep World”, then just scroll down to the post right underneath this one and click on the link!
1. Your notebook makes me cry.
2. What did I just say?!
3. It’s true: The Spanish language is a worldwide conspiracy of pain and suffering directed at you.
4. Don’t blame me-I did not invent this language.
5. Yes, your teacher actually is doing all of this just because they hate you.
6. Are you actually listening to any of the words I’m saying, or am I talking just to hear the sound of my own voice?
7. Yeah, you should be afraid, because I am TOTALLY gonna kick your ass in this tutoring session!
8. You’re right; people who teach Spanish only go into that field because they enjoy watching other people suffer.
9. HEY! YOU! Eyes on me, not your text messages.
10. If you do not keep all of your papers perfectly organized in a 3-ring binder, there’s a chance you could die.
11. I’m sorry, but I’ve already answered that question five times. From now on, every time you ask me again it will cost you $10.
12. Truly, no one has EVER suffered from Spanish as much as you have. Someone should host a telethon on your behalf.
13. Conjugating verbs makes you irresistible to the opposite sex
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Aren’t you tempted to actually use one of these 13? 🙂
Off to listening to your PodCast now!
My TT is about my favo online book/cd/dvd stores.
Those are wonderful, and to be honest with you, I’d consider hiring you even if you did use some of those — they’re GREAT!
My TT is up! Happy Thursday!
Hehehe. That’s very funny. I was a Spanish major in college, so can relate to some of these! (I was also a guidance counselor, so can relate to the rest as well!!)
11. I’m sorry, but I’ve already answered that question five times. From now on, every time you ask me again it will cost you $10.
Mine up! Happy TT!
Your notebook made me cry! That is priceless!
Happy TT!!
hahahha Don’t you want to say all these just once to see what the reaction would be??? I’d be soooooooo tempted!
Great list! Thanks for stopping by Snarkypants! Have a wonderful Thursday!
Haha, funny! Especially #9. 😀
Thanks for visiting. 🙂 Happy Thursday!
I know a bit of Spanish and am thinking of learning a language this year for the fun of it. I’m not sure which though – I’m leaning towards Farsi and Porteguese. =O)
Spanish was my worst subject. Took it enough you would think I would be fluent in it. But it just did not take. At 39 I felt just too old to learn a new language. These are some snappy comebacks! Great List! Thanks for stopping by and visiting today. Happy Thursday!
Funny stuff. I think I’ll use a similar theme next week.
You know… with VERY little modification, these could be used to describe parenting as well.
And life in my office.
And things I say to my husband….
Hmmm. 🙂
I think #13 might work!
Have a great blog day 2006 (http://www.blogday.org)!
I know enough Spanish to order at any Mexican Restraunt (OK… So sometimes I have to point at what i want on the menu)
oh i love spanish! i aced it in college. i just dont know if i still remember all of it. 🙂
yeah, charge them everytime they ask a stupid question more than once. then use it as funds to enjoy food and wine at the best spanish dining place.
my list is up!
ha ha..the one about txt messaging..loved it!
Great list!
Okay, Jenny, you may have to get a link right to my blog so I can read all the time–of course you aren’t a cat, so I’m not sure where to put it…
lol!!! that is so funny. Off to listen to your podcast.
Great list…especially since my son is taking a college Spanish class right now. 🙂
Too funny! Happy TT
Great list, funny too!
Yeah, used some of those myself when I was teaching. Great list!
Lived in Texas for 21 years, English is the second language there! LOL 🙂 Honestly, I know very little Spanish, enough to order dinner by! 🙂
Happy TT, thanks for stopping by the garden today!
Very funny! Nice list!
#13 might work, ya know 🙂 that’s how everything else sells!
Happy TT
If conjugating verbs made you sexy, I would be Beyonce, Pamela Sue Anderson and Miss Universe 2006 in one package…LOL! Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks for the laugh. I think I greatly needed some sarcasm today!
“Conjugating verbs makes you irresistible to the opposite sex.”
So THAT’S what I’ve been doing wrong all of these years!!
Ha! Those were funny! I’m sure I would have been tempted to say one or five of those 😉
Happy T13! My list’s up!
LOL! I do have to say that #6 is said in my household A LOT!
Thanks for visiting me today. 🙂
Ok now that’s funny!
I repeat #2 about 20 million times a day!
Thanks for the giggle
my tt’s up too!
Nice! I got confused at first because I usually look to the top of the pos but below the header for the topic where you’ve got “your name” and I thought hmm, my name isn’t spanish!
I figured it out! I like the verbs one, and the 3 ringed binder =)
I always find conjugation works well 🙂
Thanks for stopping by!
I loved Spanish in high school, but I’ve lost most of what I learned. I keep meaning to learn it again, but never get around to it.
I can’t just forget Spanish as one of our major subjects. During my school days, Spanish was part of the school’s curriculum. It was taught from Kindergarten thru 4th year highschool.
Thanks for stopping by.
It’s a good thing I put down the Diet Coke before I read your list because my monitor would have been covered. What’s better yet is I had no idea you tutored Spanish, and had I known, I would have definitely put you in touch with my human pet long, long ago as she is considered “the mute Spaniard” by her Latina friends.
She can read and listen, but there’s no speaking happening. She’s very nervous and afraid of her embarassment. Will you tell her to get over it already please?
Terrific list, and I am adding you to my link list! Too cool for school you are, Jenny!
sounds like every nightmare i had learn part of one language – that i have mostly forgotten now. mind you it also reminds me of some of my english lessons at school too – ouch!
thx for stopping by my TT
How funny. I love Spanish, I was conversational at one point, but have forgotten so much. Many of my friends at one time were Hispanic, but have moved. Thanks for stopping by!
LOLOL This sounds like me talking to my children in everyday ordinary language! LOL
Heeheee!! Great list…although I think you should reconsider and use a couple of those! 🙂 Haha! Thanks for visiting my TT!
Happy TT!
Thanks for visiting my TT!
What a great list!!
This was totally pee your pants funny! I havent gotten to listen to the podcast yet but Im excited to! Happy TT
lol good decisions, all!
Yes, good idea not to use those. 🙂 But, I’m sure you must be tempted to use a few of those, at times.
HA! Those are hilarious!! Thanks for visiting my TT!
Thanks for visiting my site! I like your #11 best … if only that worked in real life!
Take care 🙂
If only I could make my son believe that he could possibly die if he didn’t keep his notes perfectly straight in a 3-ring binder… *sigh*.. in a perfect world…
Thanks for visiting my TT!
I have to admit, I’ve suspected these all along…I am particularly certain that there is a requirement that Spanish teachers/tutors are required to give their souls to Evil before they can begin actual work with students. 😛
I can’t prove it mind you…yet… 😛
LOL! I’m sure it must be very tempting to use these sometimes 🙂 Thanks for visiting me.
LOL! I can just imagine how tempting these would be to say…especially the text messaging one.
Thanks for stopping by my place! 🙂