Dear Shemale Michigan Swinger,
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Free Mp3! you just aren’t meeting my Ebony Casino Fetish needs anymore.
You just don’t, or acknowledge my BIG TITS requests at all.
You and your /betting-book-sport.html will just have to find someone else who is willing to put up with you and all of your incessant, unreasonable buyxananow attitude.
And don’t think for a moment that you can lure me back with your Big Penis-Voyeur-BMW. It’s over. And there’s nothing that you can informally mendacious skullduggery!bookings whichever.gunning fueling!online keno that will ever make me change my mind.
Because I’ve found someone new, a Word Press plug-in named Akismet, a collaborative effort to make comment and trackback spam a non-issue and restore innocence to blogging, someone who gives to me in ways that you never can.
Goodbye, LevitraValiumSoma,
Im jealous. Although I keep telling my husband that one day Im really going to please him with my gigantic member (as my email keeps promising me). Was that inappropriate? (I figure once you have shaved teenage grannies, its open season)
So, so, funny!!
“Gigantic member”=AWESOME!
This is sublime :~)
Thanks, Debra. It was a lot of fun to write! 🙂
PS-Love your smiley!
HA!!!!!!!! I love this – it never occured to me that someone could put those damnable spammy names/subjects to good use – hurray Jenny.
You are hilarious! I may have to give akismet a try myself!
Thanks, Karen. I’m glad they could be used for SOMETHING good!
Thanks, Danielle. So far it’s been working great for me!