1. All the characters in Janet Evanovich’s “Stephanie Plum” mystery series.
2. Anything written by the Sweet Potato Queen, Jill Conner Brown.
3. Almost anything written by David Sedaris.
4. Anytime I can work the words “monkey” or “weasel” into a conversation.
5. Every time my cats slide across the kitchen floor and crash into the back door and then go, “I totally MEANT to do that.”
6. The scene in the movie “Moonstruck” where Cher’s character and Nicholas Cage’s character finally confess their love for each other to her family.
7. The scene in “Soapdish” where soap opera writer Whoopi Goldberg has to write a way to reintroduce a character onto the show who had previously been killed off through decapitation.
8. “The Princess Bride”-too many good lines to choose just a few here.
9. Everything Eddie Murphy’s character, “Donkey” says in the Shrek movies.
10. All the dialogue between the crew members on the short-lived TV show “Firefly” and its movie “Serenity”.
11. The “Friends” episode from Season Six entitled “The One With All The Thanksgivings”.
12. Heather B. Armstrong’s blog, “Dooce”
13. The blog of “Miss Doxie”.
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
(leave your link in comments, I'll add you here!)
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Isn’t that Friends episode the one where Joey gets his head stuck in the turkey? If so, that was priceless!
Great List!
Happy TT!
My cats do the same thing all the time!! They always look at each other as if to say I meant to do that, really!
I love to watch Moonstruck! Great list!
MY T13 is up. Happy Thursday!
That is a funny list. I can totally see your cats doing that – I have a cat too. And I indulge in a little Dooce once in a while too – who doesn’t?
Thanks for visiting my TT – I hope you’ll enter a post in the Pass the Torch contest!
The Princess Bride is truly a hidden treasure. And for my money, Eddie Murphy pretty much stole the show in Shrek.
That’s a great list! A lot of those make me laugh, too — especially #s 1 & 11. *g*
Thanks for visiting my TT!
what’s not to love with this list?
my tt is up.
Wow, we enjoy the same stuff! I love Stephanie Plum AND SPQ’s AND Sedaris. Have you visited Janet E’s web site? You can submit a name for the 13th book!
I’m new to the whole Thursday THirteen too and my other blog was a finalist in the Blogs of SUmmer.
Great list because I love anything humorous.
How DOES one undecapitate someone? Hmmm…
Thanks for visiting!
Love the Stephanie Plum series…the characters are great!! My hubby hates it when I read in bed because I giggle so much!
I also love “Firefly” and “Serenity” dialogue!! Never tire watching it!
Welcome to T13! Happy Thursday!
I totally loved Soapdish!! And Princess Bride, oh, Yes, As you wish!! One of my loves!! I have 5 kids, Shrek is a constant in my life. And Friends, I love friends!
Thanks for visiting!
For a newbie you handled it like a pro!
Nice ‘first’ official list in the TT! =o) Welcome to the group and thanks so much for visiting my TT!
PS. Loved Eddie Murphy’s character the donkey in Shrek, too!
Princess Bride – classic movie! Oh you’re so right, there are way too many lines in that movie. Soapdish, i loved that movie too. 🙂
And of course, Friends. Man, this is list is awesome.
I admit to chuckling when you said monkey AND weasel in one sentence. 😛
Great List! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I think you will like TT, I am addicted to it and try to think of fun things for it every week, all week long. LOL
Great list! Loved the image of your cats acting all cool in their blunder. LOL! And Serenity and Firefly rock! Joss Whedon is brilliant. [sigh] I wish he would bring back something to TV, I miss his humor. Did you know that he did Buffy and Angel, too?
Thanks for visiting my T13 today. Hope you’re having a terrrific Thursday!
Neat list. I love The Princess Bride and Shrek!
Thanks for stopping by my TT.
welcome to T13! and the princess bride is the best movie E.VER.
Great list! I so miss Friends. I hear they’re taking about a reunion show! Happy Thursday!!
I remember that episode!
Happy TT
Thanks for the laughs. I really needed them today! Happy T13
I SO agree with Eddie Murphy doing “Donkey”. He is hilarious!
Wooooooooooohooooooooo and Welcome!
Great list!
I am so glad you joined the thirteeners…have fun..
My TT is up
Nice list!
Thanks for stopping by! And Thanks, It took a while to figure out what the button should say!
Funny Funny Funny!
I love Donkey too, oh and Daddy Day Care!
Thanks for you nice comments on my blog!
Oh and I love your “cat links”…yes they are in control of the universe! hehehehe
Grandma Mazur is my favorite from the Plum books, the Princess Bride is the best movie ever, and Miss Doxie’s blog makes me snort! Welcome to the 13!
1 – LOVE the title of your blog
2 – you weren’t kidding about being an attention whore! LOL 😉 But seriously, TT is a good way to get traffic at least ONE day a week!
3 – you killed my father. prepare to die.
My husband can be a weasel and daughter a monkey. Both are quite messy to have around too. Welcome to T13. Take care. -Margie
Anytime I can work the words “monkey” or “weasel” into a conversation.
I do believe I am going to try this tomorrow with all of my friends just to see what will happen! Classic!
Happy Thursday!
Oh yeah, the characters from Stephanie’s New Jersey are a trip! Imagine Grandma Plum & Lula in a sitcom? Hee!
I just ordered my first Janet Evanovich book and I’m so excited to start reading it! Happy TT and thanks for stopping by.
BTW, my fav episode of Friends is when Rachel made the English Triffle. LOL!
Oops, the anonymous one above is me.
Great list! I LOVE Donkey from Shrek. He’s hilarious.
Happy TT!
i laugh at Friends all the time except on the most terrible of terrible days.
thanks for visiting!
Donkey rocks!!
Thanks for visiting my TT! 🙂
Great list!
Good stuff there.
Thanks for visiting my blog!
Great list! We call our little girl “Monkey” sometimes…affectionately, of course. 😉 And I love Donkey, or as he calls himself – Dunkey. 🙂
Welcome to TT! It’s alot of fun!!
The Princess Bride and Friends absolutely get me going. I think my own personal fave line from Princess is when Inigo Montoya says to the “Inconceivable!” guy – “You keep on using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” Hilarious.
Thanks so much for dropping by! I’m bookmarking your blog!
Super list.
Your blog is hilarious! Im bookmarking you too….
Thanks for stopping by my TT. I can tell that you are a movie buff just like me! I like all the ones you mentioned, especially Moonstruck….I can walk around around for days singing the Dean Martin song (off key, but I like it). 🙂
Take care!
Cats are so funny…and I know the “I totally meant to do that” face.
Must have missed you last week. Thanks for participating in the BoS, btw. My T13 – Classic Books I’ve Never Read Edition is up at Bloggin’ Outloud. Thanks!