I’m very excited, because today my powers are going to be featured in a new, very cool online forum.
You may have heard me mention before the Artella website, home to “The Waltz of Words, Art, and Spirit”, founded by the wonderfully amazing Marney K. Makridakis. Her latest venture has been to create a daily online creativity newspaper called “The Daily Muse”. And today, an article that I wrote entitled, “How To Thrive As A Dilettante” is being run there. It features such helpful insights as, “If the number of jobs on your resume is equal to or greater than the number of years you’ve been out of college, you’re probably a dilettante.”
“The Daily Muse” is a members only feature, but if you click this link you can receive a free, “no strings attached, no credit card necessary” membership to “The Daily Muse”.
I hope you enjoy it!