And lo, the heavens did open, and the angels did descend and pour forth their heavenly songs, because today, I created a Podcast. ALL. BY. MY. SELF!
To give you some idea of the magnitude of this achievement, just imagine if a rock, which moments before had been totally inert, suddenly came to life and began to expound on the principles of Quantum Physics in four languages simultaneously. That’s a pretty good metaphor for what happened here today.
A few weeks ago I gave a speech entitled, “Black Sheep Girl In A White Sheep World” at my local Toastmasters club meeting. Me being who I am it was of course a humorous speech, so I knew it would be a perfect complement to the writing I do here on my blog.
And so I am very pleased to present to you here my very first podcast ever, “Black Sheep Girl In A White Sheep World”.