When it comes to the work that Lynne and I do together, I LOVE the deep, inner explorations we go on. But when it comes to the nitty-gritty of everyday life, I get very, um, bitchy cranky irritable fussy, and my Inner, Victimized Drama Queen swoops in and starts running the show:
“What do you MEAN I have to brush my teeth every single day. That is SO unfair! Don’t I have enough to deal with?!”
“OMG, haven’t I suffered enough?! I have to plan our meals and do a grocery list too?! WTF, Universe?!”
I’m such a lovely client to work with.
So the latest thing we’ve been working on is Hydrating or, as Lynne must constantly remind me, “DRINK, Stupidhead!” I’m getting better at this, but I must still be sending Dehydration Vibes out to the world, because I was recently contacted by Bay Alarm Medical and Clean Bottle, who have come together to help raise our awareness of the importance of staying hydrated. Happily for us here in Cranky Fibro Land, they are doing this by giving away 5 of their Clean Bottles to readers of this blog.
In trying one out myself, I like the fact that:
-The bottle unscrews at both ends, to make cleaning it much easier.
-When I unscrewed it the first time to clean it, there was no weird odor that might or might not have gone away with washing.
-And, it’s easy to hold for the days when my hands and arms are really achy.
The only thing I had a problem with was that with my achy hands, I didn’t have the strength to screw the bottom on tightly enough to prevent it from leaking. I had to get my husband to do that for me.
However, in addition to my Inner Drama Queen, I also have a highly developed Inner Hedonist, so while I have a cool new bottle to help me “Drink, Stupidhead!”, I’m not giving up my soda. (Although I’ve come a looooooooong way from the time when I drank 3 regular Cokes a day; now it’s Diet Fanta and Diet Code Red Mountain Dew.) And, in the interest of full disclosure, I almost never drink plain water-I love my MiO Berry Pomegranate flavoring. But, now I have a way to make drinking the water I do drink a little bit easier, a little bit more fun, and hopefully, a little more frequent.
So if you’d like to be entered into the drawing to win a Clean Bottle, say hi in the comments (and leave your name too, if it isn’t obvious from your email address). The contest will be open until 12am Eastern Time on Monday, July 20th. Then Mr. Cranky Fibro Girl will draw 5 winners, and they will be announced here on the blog on Wednesday, July 22nd.
Happy Drinking!
Hey Cranky Fibro Gal I love your blog! Your writing keeps me going on those hopelessly pain filled days.
First, a woman after my own heart. I used to drink Cokes but now it’s diet coke and I won’t give it up. I’m with you on water and adding MIO. That’s the only way I can drink the vile stuff unless it’s filled with ice up to the top. I’ll give you a tip…..Arizona Sugar Free Lemon Ice Tea Mix. I hate ice tea. Another vile drink but I can actually make a pitcher of this stuff and drink it.
So hi to you!
Rosemary Lee
Seeking Equilibrium
Hi, Jenny! I drink about two glasses of water a day, filtered; and lots of terrible heinous coffee and brandy and a mimosa or two. I want to switch to English Tea and more water! Recently I put down cigarettes and took up vaping, but I’m still struggling to stay on the vape. Progress, not perfection, right?
Love your blog:)
Hi Jenny-
This week, my Amma therapist told me I need to drink French Green Clay. Several times a day. I long for the days of plain Portland tap water.
Many loves,
From someone whose breakfast of champions used to be a can of coke and an apple on my drive to work my eating and drinking habits have changed drastically. Now my beverages of choice are distilled water and green tea. For a flavor boost I add lemon or lime juice.
Hi Jenny! I stumbled on your blog about a month ago and I love it!
~Shellie (another cranky fibro girl 🙂 )
Howdy! That is such a cool water bottle, I never heard of it before. Unscrewing at both ends is genius. I get a lot of pain in my hands from my fibro so I’d have to have my hubby do the bottom one too (aren’t husbands great??) or I’d just leave it on until my hands felt better and clean it like a normal bottle.
Oh! It also looks like it would fit in my bikes water bottle cage perfectly!!!