A collection of small treasures I’ve found while out and about.
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Back in the early, more hostile days of Cranky Fibro Girl I wrote a manifesto born of my frustration in dealing with the medical establishment. I’m fortunate to have found really good, supportive doctors over the past five years, but that was not always the case in the beginning.
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Fun Finds:
This article describes how “Chilean architects from Undurraga Devés have recently worked with members of the indigenous Mapuche community in Huechuruba, near Santiago, to help build a very specific type of housing: a place that would not only meet their basic needs, but also respect their traditions and ideas. ”
This is a story about a dad who made his little girl a real-life princess by finding and claiming an unoccupied space in the world.
I love the tagline of The Pillow Fort magazine and community: “Making chronic illness suck less”. Lizzy, the founder of the site, has just published the third issue of her ezine.
She’s also posted an article by one of the members of the community on “An A-to-Z of Self-Care”.
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