Lately I’ve been having a really hard time with the mood cycling that comes with my bi-polar disorder. The constant roller coaster of shifting emotions is exhausting, not to mention all the stories and dramatics my mind goes into as a result of all my internal spinning.
It takes constant, superhuman strength to stand within myself and remember that these are just thoughts and emotions, that just because they’re here doesn’t mean they’re true, to remember that I’ve made it through this before and I can do it again, to trust that yes, this is here, and it sucks, and I’m going to be OK, all the while being bashed and buffeted and bruised and banged up and beaten by constant, unrelenting waves of pain.
It helps to get outside, even for a few minutes, so I can focus on something other than myself and my mind. And even though it’s kind of gloomy here today, I was surprised by unexpected beauty. May its peace and lovely grace continue to ripple through my soul today.
“May its peace and lovely grace continue to ripple through my soul today.” I sincerely hope it does.