So yesterday I went to see my fibromyalgia doctor because ever since my surgery I have been having really bad pain. Because-of course-physical trauma is one of the things that can cause fibromyalgia in the first place. It’s just such a lovely little circle I have going on here. (And do not even get me started on the migraines.)
I was trying to describe everything that was going on and, since I am a writer (and, ahem, something of a Drama Queen and Rampant Abuser of Creative License), there was much wild gesturing and saying of things like, “And then after being in pain for so many days I just go into this downward spiral and think things like, ‘Am I going to die?’, or, ‘Is this all there is to my life-just managing pain?’ ”
So he came over and started doing his physical examination and, wanting to be helpful said,
“Well, you will die. But not from this.”
And somehow, I was oddly reassured.
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