So it’s been a week since my surgery, and my recovery is going really well-YAY!
I’m not feeling inspired to write anything just yet, but I did want to share these two great blog posts I read today.
The first one is by Gluten-Free Girl, “Carry That Weight”:
“In the past, when I tried to lose weight, I thought the pounds were the point. I hated my life. I wanted something more. I believed I could never be okay at that weight.
Now, for the first time, I’m not trying to change anything about me or my life. Danny adores me, wherever I am. But he wants me around for a long time too. In these past five years since I stopped eating gluten, I have learned more and more, in ever widening circles, about where my food comes from and what works for my body. This time, I’m listening to it.
I love my life. I just want to walk through it more lightly.”
And the second one is by Rebecca Leigh of Smart Fresh Writing, “Gut Time: The closest I’ve come to the secret of life”
“A month ago I gave a presentation to a group of teenagers with IBD (inflammatory bowel disease). I had so much I wanted to say, it was hard to decide what to leave out. That’s probably the greatest challenge of any speaker or writer — letting go of almost everything so that what is left is clear and unemcumbered.
What was left with is partly to do with IBD, but mostly to do with life. It’s what I’m still learning everyday. This is what I talked about…”
I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
Happy Friday!
Great to hear recovery is going well!