So this morning I woke up and my right hand had that tingly, my-hand-was-asleep-and-now-it’s-waking-up feeling, except it never went away. And I couldn’t really feel four of my five fingers. Which of course is EXACTLY what I needed to spice up my day-fearing the loss of my dominant hand.
But I was actually fairly calm-for me-and when the office was open, I went to see my chiropractor. (Important Side Note: this was the third visit this week. Monday it was for my lower back, which has been giving me a lot of lip lately. Yesterday it was for my jaw. When I came through the door, the dr. asked how I was doing. Me: “Back-good. Jaw-killing me.” Dr.: “So you don’t want me to check your back?” Me: “Well, I suppose you can check it.” Dr.: poking around, and then landing on one particular spot. Dr.: “That is not good.”)
So I got on the table today and he started doing all his chiropractor-y things. Then he asked me what I thought I had done.
Me: “I don’t know. Maybe I slept on it funny.”
Dr. : (examining)
Dr.: (indicating that I should roll over onto one side)
Dr.: “Yeah, that can happen when you sleep…”
Dr. (trails away)
Me: “Funny. Yeah.”
Dr. (as he is performing a particularly bone-crushing adjustment) “Actually, I was gonna say, ‘like a bonehead‘.”
That was close. Dr. What’s His Name almost made the Dumbass list.
I know. He has no idea what a close call it was for him.