So as most of you know I’ve been writing this blog for the past 4 1/2 years, and I’ve had a blast doing it.
I had a ton of ideas for where this site was going, and all kinds of plans for how I wanted things to be. But then I got sick-REALLY SICK-at the end of 2007, and suddenly my life was blasted apart into a billion pieces.
I feel like I’ve spent these past two years just kind of flailing around, bashing into walls and people and the remnants of my old dreams, just trying to regain some sort of stability. And occasionally I could. But most of the time I really had no idea what I was doing.
And I know that all of this showed up in my blog because suddenly-literally, overnight-I was no longer the person who started that blog. I wasn’t just a cute entertainer telling funny stories and making people laugh. Now I was a person with a chronic illness, living with chronic pain, unable to do anything but just be sick and in pain. All the things I was able to do before-work, run our household, go out with friends, travel any farther than the couch in our living room, write, much less write humorously-they were suddenly gone. And so I had to figure out how to be that person, when I DID NOT WANT to be that person.
So I know that starting then, this blog no longer delivered what it had in the past. And I’m sorry for that. It was SO frustrating for me, as I’m sure it was for you guys. You came here expecting “Entertaining Stories From Everyday Life”, but I know that it eventually morphed into, “Hey, you know what? Chronic illness isn’t funny. &$@! ” So I really appreciate all of you who stuck around anyway. And I also appreciate everyone who came here and then decided that this just wasn’t their thing.
And I’m also sorry for the fact that, because I’d never gone through this before, I wasn’t able to let you all know that there was a change coming. I know that I started this blog with the inner rules that I would not be mean or controversial or argumentative, and that I wouldn’t use what some people might call, “inappropriate language.” And then overnight they were all swept away, with no warning that these things were coming. And so I want to apologize for that as well.
So given all of these things, I’ve decided to make a change here. I’m not going to be blogging as “Using My Powers For Good” anymore, because I am not that person anymore, the person who started this blog all those years ago. I need to do something different, something where I feel comfortable bringing all of my different parts, and something that lets people know ahead of time what they will be getting into if they visit my site.
So I am very excited to announce that, as of tomorrow, I will be blogging as Cranky Fibro Girl, although my web address will still be You don’t have to change anything on your end. If you type into a web browser you will still end up here. If you’ve bookmarked this site somehow or added it to a blogroll, clicking on that link will still bring you here. “Here” will just be a little different starting tomorrow.
As you might imagine, Cranky Fibro Girl has an edge (or five) to her personality, and she lets you know that right up front. So there will be crankiness and irritability. There will be mocking and sarcasm. There will be funny. There will be sad. There will be swearing and frustration and anger. There will be the entire experience of someone living with chronic pain and illness. There will be all of the things that make up this “me” that I am right now.
So if you want to stick around, yay! And if you decide that this is not for you, that’s cool-thank you so much for coming with me this far. And thank you all for all the ways you’ve been part of this community. Funny stories aren’t that funny without people to enjoy them, and you’ve given me such a gift by enjoying mine.
Wow, you are my hero, Jenny. That kind of honesty is rare. And I wanted to let you know that as a fellow fibro crank, I am anxiously awaiting what you have in store here!!
I will for sure be stickin around! Congrats for shifting your focus to something that supports you in a larger way. I think Cranky Fibro Girl is gonna be a hit…since I personally work with lots of cranky fibro girls:) Can’t wait to see your new blog!
Big hugs you brave bad ass babe!
I am defiantly sticking around Jenny! I love your blog. Cranky Fibro Girl will be a great hit!!
Looking forward to reading more, “CFG”!
Oh wait, I just thought of this….
I bet within a few weeks of this new blog, you’ll wake up one day completely pain free and energetic, infused with an aura of well-being and kindness. You’ll be completely unable to be cranky or express sarcasm. And you’ll have to reinvent your blog yet again.
Because that’s the way the Universe works.
Or is that your plan?
However things work out, I think Cranky Fibro Girl rocks π
Cheers to frankness and your authentic self -even though it may be feeling cranky and ill at times – I’ve had it up to my eyeballs with pretentious-ness and perfection – what nonsense and baggage to carry around all the time. I look forward to your story and truth telling – as she unfolds itself either out*of*sorts or blissed out! I love you -Glenda
Hey, I’m stickin’ around…I just got poked in each of my “cheeks” with steroids today for the fibro. I’m trying hard to write on my blog, but ya know, there are days like today when the barometric pressure drops and ya feel like &^%$. Thanks for being here!
@Zura-thanks, Zura! I’m glad to know my “soul-baring” was not in vain.
@Lynne-thanks! from one bad ass babe to another π
@blissmonger-thanks! I’m excited about it too.
@Glenda-GLENDA!! I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering how you were doing. I miss you π I’m so glad you’re still hanging out with me here!
@Janice-thanks π Oh my gosh, I could write a whole entire blog about Fibro v. The Weather.
Another cranky fibrogirl here, loving your ability to be honest about what’s going on, which can be so hard when the majority of people just don’t really believe you. My life has changed so much over the course of this, searching for a diagnosis, getting a diagnosis, trying everything I could think of or find to get better. I finally am feeling like my old self after years, but always I must keep a watchful eye, there are so many little things that can topple the system and push me back into pain land.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
I know. I always tell people this whole thing is like a jigsaw puzzle where all of the pieces are constantly moving.