About a year ago I found myself in the position of having to find myself another doctor for my “ladyparts”.
Finding a new anyone is kind of overwhelming for me, because there are just so many choices, and I don’t always know how to sort through all the information that’s out there.
So I eventually just went online and did a search for someone who dealt with the particular issues I was having.
I was fortunate in that my new doctor ended up being really kind and compassionate, plus, he really knew his stuff and was able to help me right off the bat.
As we were standing in line, waiting for me to be checked out he asked, “So, how did you find me?”
“I googled you,” I said.
“Ooh,” he replied, without missing a beat, “I feel so dirty.”
I LOVE it when I find someone or something that is just perfect for what I need at that moment, and I also love BEING that person. That’s why testimonials and referrals are so powerful, because they come from that place of excitement and alignment and pure joy. But if you’re anything like me, I have an extremely difficult time translating all those emotions into an “official” testimonial for someone to use in their business. And I’m not any better at asking for a testimonial, because I figure that whoever I ask will have the exact same “stuckness” as I do.
That is why I am very excited to be attending a teleclass this Sunday given by the fab-o-rama Havi Brooks, entitled, “Stuff Havi thinks you should know about how to get really really great testimonials and referrals.”
I’d write some more about how much help I’ve received from all of Havi’s products and classes that I’ve experienced, but my brain-freeze around testimonials is setting in-apparently Sunday cannot come soon enough.
So if you’re interested, I’ll just send you here here so you can get more information.
Hope to see you there!
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