Today I thought I’d do a post telling you all about the latest cool people and events I’ve found lately on Teh Internetz.
1. I was recently introduced to the blog of Jenny, “The Bloggess, whose posts are so funny I frequently find myself crying, because I’m laughing so hard. She’s not really suitable for work (NSFW), but holy crap is she hysterical. You should definitely read her if you need some perking up. The correspondence between her and “Nancy W. Kappes, Paralegal” alone makes her blog worth reading.
2. Secondly, my awesome friend and coach, Lynne, has recently started an Internet Radio Show with her awesome friend and fellow coach, Christine, entitled, “Embracing the Polarities of Life: Irreverent and Radical Coaching Conversations with Christine and Lynne”. You do have to set up an account on Blog Talk Radio in order to listen to the live show and participate in the live chat, but it’s really easy to do, and very much worth it. You can also download previous shows and listen to them on your iPod or other portable music player. Today’s show is called, “Reclaiming Our Inner Sense of Timing: The Seduction of Yes~”
“Ever notice how good things look from a distance but then up close they shape shift into obligation rather than opportunity? You know the story, that thing you said yes to weeks ago sounded so fun or so easy to do way back then, yet when the time approaches you’re asking yourself “what was I thinking?” Saying yes to one thing always means saying no to something else. On this show we’ll burst the seductive bubble of believing we can say “yes” to every pretty thing that passes by and still hold onto our inner sense of timing.”
The show airs at 12pm Mountain Time, 2pm Eastern Time. See ya there!
3. I’ve known about Jennifer Louden, “The Comfort Queen” for a while now, but I was recently re-introduced to her work through a virtual retreat she conducted back in January. She has created a fantastic new online space for women called “The Comfort Cafe and Life Spa“, which I cannot recommend highly enough!
Each month there is a theme that we all sort of work on together-February’s was “Self Trust”, March’s has been “Resourcing”, and in April we will be talking about “Inspiration”.
You get an incredible amount of content for the monthly subscription fee, which at the present moment is only $12/month. There are message boards, frequent email “dollops”, a monthly teleclass, a monthly podcast with some sort of “Wisdom Expert”, Weekly Questions from her book, The Life Organizer to help us create a mindful week/life, and all kinds of other goodies.
It’s just been an amazing experience to connect with so many like-minded women, and if you are looking for your own support community, I would definitely recommend that you check it out!
4. One of my newest internet crushes is on the very cool Havi Brooks, who I discovered through Jennifer Louden’s work. Havi bills herself as a “destuckification” and “biggification” expert, and just the fact that she created her own words to describe her work makes me totally want to follow everything she does.
Plus, she sells what is probably the most perfect product for me, EVER, in the history of the entire universe:
You know, since I can sometimes tend to be a little bit of a Catastrophizing Drama Queen, uh, “tightly wound” sometimes.
which is a deceptively simple, but unbelievably powerful technique that has helped me when I’ve felt like I’m stuck in a place where I’m just hitting my head over and over on the same, scary, painful brick wall.
I’m signed up to go to Jennifer Louden’s Writing Retreat this summer, and Havi is going to be there as well. I can’t wait to meet such cool people in person!!
5. My other latest internet crush is on the unbelievably prolific author, Isabel Joely Black. She writes a series of books telling the story of a world called Amnar
Everything in Io’s life is about to change. She’s grown up fixing saddles for her older sister and Daar, the errand-runners in a city on the brink of war.
She believes she’s about to join in a fight to liberate the city from the oppressive forces of an Empire threatening to destroy them.
Except she’s about to find out that in fact, she’s destined to become the next leader of the very Empire she hates.
And she doesn’t have any choice about this. The man she was convinced was her sworn enemy is about to become her very own Servant…”
I have become completely captivated by this story, and the best part is that she releases a free podcast of a chapter every Friday, as part of TGIAD, or, “Thank God it’s Amnar Day.” You can download them through her website, or you can subscribe via iTunes.
6. Last but not least, I have become totally enamored with Twitter. And so, luckily for me, all of these amazingly cool people can also be found there, in my newest favorite playground.
Isabel Joely Black, aka “The Charm Quark”
And one special, extra bonus person: My sharp and funny friend, Karen, of Square Peg People.
Have a fabulous Monday everyone!
Ok, now I have a tummy ache from laughing so hard! I’m just really, really glad it’s not summer, because if the windows were open – ohman, I just KNOW people would’ve been nervous – I was screeching – couldn’t even get my breath – I owe you big time for pointing me to the bloggess – and those letters! ohhhhhhhhhhhhmy!