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A lot of New Thought material (things like “The Secret”) talks about us, as human beings, “being on the leading edge of thought.” Meaning that as we stand here now, in this moment, in this self, and form new desires and new questions about the nature of existence, that we actually push forward the whole of human experience.
Sometimes that’s a hard concept to grasp in theory, so I like it when I can see practical examples of how this works in everyday life. Like this story my friend told me the other day.
She was going in to get some outpatient surgery done, and she called the nurse the day before to check on some last-minute details.
After double-checking her payment arrangements she then told the nurse, “I got my navel pierced about 6 weeks ago, and I’m supposed to leave it in for another 6 weeks to make sure that it heals completely. So I was wondering whether or not I have to take it out before my surgery.”
There was silence for a few moments, and then the nurse replied slowly, “I’m not sure. I’ll have to check with the doctor, because no one’s ever asked me that question before.”
“Well I do like to be unique”, replied my friend.
Now that‘s the kind of leading edge thinking I can get on board with.
I agree. Your friend did show some leading edge thought. Us folks perhaps a little delayed from the leading edge might have thought, “oh dear, I’ve put you to some extra trouble” or “oh dear, I don’t fit into the box and make things easy for you.”
Silence and a slow response sometimes speak volumes.
So if we could get everyone to stop thinking, we could bring human experience to a screeching halt?
sooz, I’m not sure if you’re being sarcastic. I like that.