Last weekend my husband had to buy a new mouse for his computer. He bought himself a wireless mouse, which I myself have, but his had some extra parts to it that I’d not seen before.
“Hey,” I asked him, “I saw that your new mouse is very similar to mine, but what was that other piece that came with it?”
“Oh,” he replied, “Well, you know on the side of the computer, where you plug in the dongle?”
And then all conversation ceased, because my eyes popped so far out of my head that they left my body entirely, and landed with a loud SPLAT! on the living room floor.
“Excuse me?” I snorted, certain that I must have misheard him.
“You know. The thing that you plug into the USB port. The dongle,” he said impatiently, unable to see what my problem was. Unfortunately for him, I was unable to comprehend how he could continue to repeat the word “dongle” with a straight face, and then expect us to have any semblance whatsoever of a serious conversation.
Me: choked with laughter.
“Well what did you think it was called?” he asked me. This was said in the slightly condescending tone designed to convey the message of, “Well, DUH! Everybody knows that Name Of Unidentified Piece Of Computer Equipment = Funny Sounding Euphemism For Penis.”
“Oh, gee, I don’t know, maybe something like ‘The USB Port Thingie’? Not something that sounds like a dirty name for your man parts.”
PS: Are you there, God? It’s me, Jenny. Did you really create something called “a dongle”? Because if you did, then YOU TOTALLY ROCK!!
We have very similar conversations in our house, and crack up at stuff like that all the time. I guess it shows what level my mind strays to though 😉
You’ve inspired me. Here’s a link for today’s tribute to you. Thanks for the laughs! ~Jani’ce
I never heard a penis being called a dongle…I gotta get out more!
Hey, why are you women naming our special male parts after sophisticated electronic devices????
hysterical!!!! ya learn something new every day!!!!! thanks, jenny!