Like many of us, weight and everything that comes with it have been an issue for me for quite some time now. And after many different attempts, where I lost weight but then couldn’t sustain the program, and then gained back all the weight and more, I finally realized that I was tired of doing it this way. If it were going to work, it would have by now. I’m ready for a new way to do this, even though I have absolutely no idea what that new way will look like, or when I might possibly discover it.
So I was talking about all of this with my coach, and she said, “The only way weight loss works is if you do it in a way that is kind and loving to yourself.”
I said, “Well, I hear the words you are saying , but I don’t know anyone who’s ever done that. So when you speak of these things, I feel the same way I do when someone claims to have discovered Big Foot in the North Georgia mountains. I mean, do you actually know anyone who’s ever done that?”
“I do,” she reassured me.
“Well, you’ve never lied to me before, so I guess I’ll take your word for it.”
“No, I’ve never lied to you. And I promise, this is not a Weight Loss Urban Legend.”
Weight is something that I have always struggled with! I recently read a great book written by Gerard Musante… “Structure House.” The author points out that one of the biggest reasons why people have difficulty losing weight is because they don’t eat to fulfill hunger, they eat to fulfill their emotions (lonliness, boredom, depression, etc.) He points out some great ways to overcome the psychological holds that food has on us. satisfy hunger. It was a huge breakthrough for me and I thought I would just quickly share my new discovery!