God is always within you, and you are never separated from that energy that you are calling God. But you can get fixated on something that does not allow that energy to be felt by you. You are the only one who can disallow that energy that you are calling God in your life, and you are the only one who can find a vibration that allows it. There are so many people in this world today, specifically in this nation today, that are using the rhetoric of being in alignment with God who are no where near the vibrational vicinity of the energy of source. And in their despair they are acting out in ways of trying to level the playing field, or trying to regain their power. Religion has almost become completely fear based… when God is the opposite of fear based. God is the anti of fear, God is the presence of well being, and there is only a source of well being.
Boulder, CO (6-11-05)
Amen, sister.
As one still in recovery from a VERY organized religion, I cannot believe how many years I spent in fear that God didn’t approve of me or love me because I wasn’t perfect.
And I hate that.
But am so grateful I’m not there anymore.
And speaking of fear…
The church just sent me a letter saying they are going to “excommunicate me” for apostasy.
Yeah, God is love…. except when he is managed by an organization of fearful men.