If the school year ends on May 21st,
and you have waited until April 22nd to call me,
AND your child has failed every test this semester,
it is mathematically impossible for them to get a “B”.
Thank you for you kind attention to this matter.
Harnessing the healing power of snark
This is sort of like when I ran a counseling program in a high school.
PARENT: (Whom I have never met) My kid needs to see you TODAY!
ME: Um…who are you?
PARENT: Look, my kid is failing out of school and last night he stole our car.
ME: Well, there is only a week of school left….so, there is not much to do about his failing his classes.
PARENT: Well, can you get him to give us our car back?
ME: Uh….what did you say your name was?