So I’m two and a half weeks past the end of the kick-ass antibiotics, and I’m happy to say that I am starting to feel like myself again. So much so, in fact, that every day before he goes to work my husband sits me down, looks me in the eye and says,
“Remember. You are still recovering from a serious illness. You are not well. You need to take it easy today.” Otherwise he will come home to discover that I’ve re-shingled the entire roof and added an extra room to the back of our house while he was gone. And I’ll be upset, because I didn’t get around to repaving the driveway as well.
The people in charge of the study still call me once a week as a follow up, and last week I asked them if they had the results from my final stool sample. The nurse said she didn’t have them at that moment, but that she would call me back this week.
So I heard from her on Tuesday, only to learn that, “We’re having some trouble tracking down your sample.”
Apparently my poo is on the lam.
If I had to guess I’d say that it committed an act of violence against Science, and then escaped to some Latin American country which has no extradition treaty with the United States. It is bilingual, after all.
I was surfing through and read this post. I needed some humor this morning. All day, I will think little thoughts of bilingual poo and the possibility of a CNN bulletin reporting its whereabouts. 🙂
Glad to hear you are on the mend from your illness.