On the way to pick up lunch, head-banger music is pouring out of the car stereos, making each individual cell of my body cry out in pain.
Me: “Could we maybe listen to something else?”
My husband: “Sure. I guess we could listen to some Christmas music, since it is still the Christmas season.”
Me: “Right. Until Epiphany.”
My husband (at the same time): “Until the end of all the bowl games.”
My husband: “When the three kings come home with…”(a long pause, while he struggles to remember what the Wise Men brought with them.)
Me (trying to help him out): “A bowl trophy?”
My husband: “Exactly.”
Wonderful! Christmas, and football – and funny! I know there is a rule in your house about when the Christmas music may begin. Does this also mean there is a rule as to when it must end?