The other day I had a session with one of my new students. I was testing him on his vocabulary in preparation for a test, and we got to the word “edad”, which means “age”.
He couldn’t remember the English definition, so I tried to give him a hint.
I said, “If I tell you, ‘yo tengo treinta y cinco años’ (Literally, “I have 35 years”), then ‘treinta y cinco años’ is my ‘edad’.”
He thought about it for a while, and suddenly the light of comprehension dawned on his face.
So proud with himself for finally arriving at the right answer he yelled out, “I’ve got it-it’s OLD!”
Did ya smack him?
you shoulda said, “yo tengo veinte y quince anos”
es un edad muy bueno 😉
(if I didn’t get this right, well, heck, forgive me… estudio Espanol para tres anos in escuela secondaraia — y — yo tengo veinte y viente y diez y dos anos) nuff said. 😉
That is awesome!
Of course! Thanks for the laugh 😉
How old is this kid?
I am turning *25* next week. I get called “old” all the time by some teenagers that I babysit on occasion. It baffles me. If they only knew how fast the time was going to go. 35… old. At the rate time flies for me, I’ll be 40 about 36 hours from now….