My husband: Well, a war that you probably weren’t even aware of looks like it may finally be coming to an end.
Me (thinking hard about where there might currently be a war): Afghanistan? Iran? The Balkans? Lichtenstein?
My husband: Have you heard of “The Format Wars”? Blue Ray v. HD DVD’s?
Me: (blink)
My husband: Well, Blockbuster just announced that they will only be stocking Blue Ray DVD’s from now on, so hopefully soon there will finally be one standard form of high def DVD’s, and we can start buying movies on DVD again.
Me: Um,…yay?
ya know, i heard the same thing the other day on the news, and i remembered my husband trying to explain the difference to me once, but i did the same thing. blink. i’m so glad they settled this! the world may move on again! hahahaha!
Oh gad, that sounds like me and my husband. 😀 I usually get a little sleepy once he starts talking geek speak.
I refuse to let my husband talk about this stuff if we are exercising because time seems to stop while he “explains” this.
Just goes to show that “Men are from Mars & Women Are From Venus.” John Gray may have a good point there? He had reasonable insight when he wrote that practical guide to help us get what we supposedly want in relationships. Isn’t it funny how real life can be different than book learning?