The Best Thing I Heard This Weekend April 29, 2007 By Jenny Ryan 3 Comments was Dial deodorant’s new ad campaign targeting men, which offers protection for your “hair-covered, meat-powered man suit”.
Lynne Morrell says April 30, 2007 at 8:21 am This almost made me nauseous. “Mind like water…” Have a fab day!
Mary (mert) says April 30, 2007 at 10:21 am What Lynne said! 😉 The mental images… must seek therapy.
fakinasjol says April 30, 2007 at 3:25 pm Very good the add. For me, the great discovery of the week was this blog, which I found via Neatorama. It has a promising future.
This almost made me nauseous.
“Mind like water…”
Have a fab day!
What Lynne said! 😉 The mental images… must seek therapy.
Very good the add. For me, the great discovery of the week was this blog, which I found via Neatorama. It has a promising future.