As I believe I’ve mentioned before, I frequently find myself having hot, sweaty, lustful thoughts about cleaning products. The most recent object of my obsession has been this, the Sonic Scrubber.
Words truly cannot describe the joy I felt in my heart when I found this at my local Kroger and was able to purchase one of my very own. And then, for MANY days afterwards, the second my husband got home from work he would be accosted with up-to-the-minute reports of my progress in The Battle Against Soap Scum.
Meanwhile the rest of the world has been getting all caught up in that new book and movie called “The Secret”, which is all about learning how to understand and apply the Law Of Attraction to the various circumstances of your life. I was actually introduced to this about 5 years ago, but the recent press on this subject has made me think about what kind of changes or additions I’d like to make to my life.
So I took a little inventory of how things have been going, and then I had myself a little talk with the Universe.
Did I address such issues as money? Career? Relationships?
“Universe,” I said, “I could sure use a bigger brush head for my Sonic Scrubber so that I could clean more of my shower in less time.”
And then, the next time I went to Kroger, what to my wondering eyes did appear?
Seriously? There might have been some drool.
But wait-the Universe wasn’t finished yet. Because a few days after that I went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond, and I found THIS:
I couldn’t wait to get home and show this to my husband.
His response: “So, are you gonna take the other one back now?”
WHAT?! W-hh-yy would I ever do that?
“No,” I said, trying patiently to explain. “Because now? I have 8! Interchangeable! Heads!”
And people? The fact that all he did was sigh slightly and walk quietly away, leaving me to my passionate love affair with cleaning? That. Is love.
We have sooooo much in common. 😀 If I want something, there is no rest for me until I find it/ get it. No rst for the husband either.
Could you please ask the Universe to sell my house? This week?
I think I remember how to. I’m just too damn tired!
ohhhhhhh….I want one:)
This reminds me of Abrahams words when they (the clump of non- physical beings pulsing through Ester) say “Its just as easy to manifest a button as it is a castle.”
Not that I am comparing your amazing find with a button:)
I would think that would be the coolest thing since airplane bottles except that I am allergic to cleaning. 🙂
IM SO BITTER RIGHT NOW! Ive been checking your site faithfully for two weeks to no avail, only to inadvertently hit the refresh button today to find all these missing posts! Ah well i guess the universe was saving them till i had time to enjoy them!
The sonic scrubber it’s amazing! I wish I have it 🙂