Wherein, I get a little woo-woo.
I don’t know about you, but so far 2007? Has been Really. Hard. I spent pretty much all of October -January being sick as a dog, and by the time February rolled around I had recovered just in time to discover that just trying to get through my everyday tasks and routines felt exactly like walking through mud.
Using my keen powers of self-diagnosis, I had pretty much decided that I had contracted some debilitating, little-known disease, curable only by Sexy Yet Acerbic Imaginary Doctors Who Hate Everyone And Walk With A Heart-Wrenching Limp. But fortunately before I threw myself on the mercy of all the People With Scary Giant Needles Who Steal All Your Blood, I happened to mention to my coach the fact that I basically had to take a 2-hour nap just to work up the energy to empty the dishwasher.
And she said, “Yeah, that sounds about right.”
Um, what?!
She referred me to this article,by Karen Bishop, which made me feel so much better and gave me permission to stop blaming myself for feeling bad, and telling myself the story that clearly, I was doing something wrong (because that made everything so much better-NOT!)
Bishop says, “O.K. Here’s where we are folks, and things are moving right along. January heralded the advent of incredible new energies for the New Planet Earth. For the past few weeks, we have really been fine tuning and integrating these energies. We have been experiencing continual blasts of higher energy in patterns of every ten days or so, and these energy blasts last about three days…
Because the road in front of us is now clear of all resistance and blockages, as so much density has been removed, we are simply preparing for the road ahead. From now until the latter part of March, we will continue to integrate and align with these energies, and they are truly awesome.
Common symptoms of this integration include nausea, severe headaches, dizziness and vertigo, spaciness, and head colds and pressure. Symptoms can vary depending upon who you are and how you are wired.
Exhaustion and fatigue are common as well, as we are needing all of our energy to integrate these higher frequencies. It can greatly help to stay as still as possible when the blasts occur…it can be easy to become overtaxed. At times, you may not even have the energy to talk! This is OK and will pass….
If you spend any time on your computer, you may notice that it is behaving rather strangely, along with other electronics and devices, etc. And as we are basically computers ourselves, much of everything is experiencing some sort of strange dysfunctional behavior!…
That just made me feel so much better, even if the thought of having to wake up everyday, and breathe all day long does still, on occasion, make me want to burst into tears.
It’s also been tough because my two main coping mechanisms-wrapping my brain around new ideas, and DOING stuff-are completely incompatible with this particular energy phase. Trying to think my way through this just doesn’t work, because there’s really nothing to figure out. It’s energetic and experiential. That is very tough for a person who routinely forgets that she is not, in fact, just a giant, disembodied brain floating through life.
As my coach, Lynne, explains on her blog, “There will be some substantial energy shifts between this eclipse and the spring equinox. If you can stay present with this energy, rather than fighting or resisting or trying to force yourself through it, this energy can support you in making some huge shifts in your consciousness. A change in thinking. A change in your belief structure about yourself and how you show up in the world. This energy will be palpable to most everyone from March 19th to the 22nd.”
So if you’ve been experiencing anything similar over the last month or two, I offer this as a possible explanation and to let you know that you are most DEFINITELY not alone. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. But until then, strap on your helmet and life jacket and grab your paddle, because we may be in for a bit of a bumpy ride.
I’m with you there. Some craziness is definitely going on. I’ve been feeling pretty similar. Sounds crazy, but i’ll take that explanation and roll with it.
Ok, this explains a lot. I definitely felt the shift. I thought it was just good old Mercury being Retrograde. I was just telling my mom last night that this period of retrograde seemed worse then others… now I know why 🙂
Okay, I don’t have time to feel bad! I have blogging to do and a business to run! We’re still wrapping up all the stuff with Mitch’s folks, the cedars are in full pollen mode (they make me sick every year) and just yesterday I had a scare, wound up as an emergency appointment with a specialist who told me I need surgery in the next few weeks. I could definitely use some POSITIVE WAVES HERE!
Hang in there, my friend,
That’s a relief, I thought it might have been all that coke I’ve been shoving up my hooter.
Well that explains a lot… ugh.