or, “Jenny Unwittingly Enters Rehab”.
I’ve been seeing a lot about this Project 365 thing on a lot of blogs recently, and since I’m always looking for new ways that I can express myself creatively and then inflict my creations on the poor, unsuspecting denizens of the Internet, I decided to give it a try.
The picture I took yesterday corresponds with something I’ve been wanting to write about, but haven’t yet been able to put into words. It is this: my BlackBerry is dead.
It is really kind of pathetic, the depth of sadness, emptiness, and desperation I feel now that I can no longer sneak out into the kitchen and take a hit of new emails and random text messages. Or the edginess and irritability I feel whenever I pass by the kitchen table and see that the happy little indicator light is dark and cold, no longer blinking red and green with its joyful messages of people who want to talk to me. Or the auditory hallucinations I seem to be having where I could swear that I hear it vibrating away on the table, eagerly downloading all of my electronic communications.
Fortunately it’s only temporary, and will be rectified as soon as I receive the package with the charger that I accidentally left at my parents’ house over Christmas. But until then I will be here, detoxing, and mourning The Friend That Was.
That sounds like a huge undertaking Jenny. Good luck with it!!!
I have the same issues when my phone battery dies and I’m nowhere near a charger. It’s like a lifeline has been cut!
Happy New Year and hope you’re up and running again soon!
I’m sure it’s in a better place.
Thanks, Miss Britt!
Thanks, Claire-so glad you understand my pain 😛
Thanks, Diesel. Now it’s in a place of finally being recharged, since I bought a new battery charger 🙂