You know how when you’re attempting some sort of behavior modification, such as quitting smoking, or losing weight, or planning some sort of highly flammable, explosive revenge on all the spammers who insist on filling your inbox with their constant offers of mature grandma/teen/ebony/latino shemales, the experts advise that you never let yourself get too Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired? Well I’ve found that that is also an excellent checklist for me to run through in my mind to determine whether or not I am in an appropriate state of mind to post something on my blog. Only for me my issue isn’t so much with hunger as it is with sadness, so my acronym is actually S.A.L.T.
I’ve developed a little pre-posting questionnaire for myself that looks like this:
1. Do you frequently find yourself using phrases containing the word “existential” when other people ask you how you’re doing?
2. When you last talked with your coach, did she use the words “skewed” and “not real” to describe the way you are currently perceiving the world, and then:
a. ground you from using any self-help tools for the next week
b. suggest that you immediately gag yourself with duct tape so as not to irrevocably f&*@ up every single one of your current relationships
c. suggest that perhaps it was not a good idea to experiment with getting off your medications and not tell anyone about it
d. all of the above
3. Are you about to post something that sounds like this on your blog for the entire Internet to read and wonder about:
“But whatever the reason suddenly the box flies open again, and instead of consciously acting as the rational, competent adult you are now, you’re unconsciously reacting as a 5 year old. Or a 12 year old. Or in my case, a 19 year old without the first f*&@3*^ clue as to how to deal with other human beings.
Yes, that’s right. Lately the Enormous Blind Spot of “Things I Never Resolved Back When I Was 19” has finally overtaken The Car Of “Speeding Blissfully Down The Highway Of Jenny’s Life”, and smashed head on into the Giant Brick Wall Of “Hi. This Is Your Life. I’ve Been Trying To Get Your Attention Now For The Past Couple Of Years, But You Never Listened. So Unfortunately Now You Have No Choice But To CRASH.” (Self-judgment, much?)”
1. When asked by your spouse how you’d feel about inviting some people over for dinner this weekend, did you respond by stating that you’d:
a. really enjoy it.
b. like to stab them all in the face and then laugh maniacally at their pain
c. chop all their heads off with an axe.
2. Have you recently found yourself wondering if it would be more effective (and more satisfying to you) to punish your can opener for “giving you some lip” by smashing it with a sledgehammer or running over it with your car in the driveway?
3. Have you recently sent your spouse a text message stating, “I HATE EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING!!!!!!”, causing him to immediately drop everything he’s working on at the office and call you in order to perform an “anger intervention”?
4. Do you find that lately everything that comes out of your mouth is some variation of the phrase, “F*&%ing f*@3ers of f*&%@!”
1. Could you successfully prosecute a case against yourself with all the evidence you’ve collected of how you are a horrible failure as a human being, and as such will undoubtedly be cast out of all civilized society and die, withered, broken, and alone.
1. Do you burst into tears at the thought of having to tie your shoes?
2. Have you recently informed your spouse that “listening to the sound waves produced by your voice takes up so much of my energy that it’s actually causing me physical pain”?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, step away from the computer immediately!! Your reputation will thank you.
tiggerprr says
Steven Wilson says
Most interesting read I must say.
Mary (Mert) says
As ever, you write the darnedest things. 😀 I am laughing with you, not at you I promise!
As I said on another blog, a good chunk of the blogosphere has read on my very own blog that I was a ho as a teen. I am soooo regretting sharing that now. Oh well. Could have been worse… at least I don’t collect my own toenails. That would just be weird.
Even if I did, I have learned that I shouldn’t admit to it. :O) Unless I am like Homecoming Blogging Queen, in which case I could admit that I like to fart the alphabet and everyone would laugh and tell em how cute I am.
A person can dream.
Mary (Mert) says
Oh, I forgot to ask how the icon thingy is coming!
Wendy says
I really don’t feel so bad now! I’m gonna have to bookmark the S.A.L.T post and use that one. While I’m not going through “Things I Never Resolved Back When I Was 19″, I am going through “Every man I ever dated were obviously the same man in a different package as they all turned out to be IDIOTS”. With no spouse, my KIDS (though I love them dearly) are the ones whose voices cause me to cringe and cover my ears.
I think we need a vacation from life?!
Bob-kat says
Hi, Tha nks for the welcome to blog fodder.
I take it, that it’s not a good sign that I answered yes to some of those then? BTW – the can opener was asking for it!
Administrator says
Welcome to the roller coaster ride that is my mind. Mwaa-haaa-haaa….
John Masters says
“Could you successfully prosecute a case against yourself with all the evidence you’ve collected of how you are a horrible failure as a human being, and as such will undoubtedly be cast out of all civilized society and die, withered, broken, and alone.”
We’ve never actually met, but this describes me pretty much perfectly.
Great post. I’ve been experiencing lots of angst lately. I even wrote an embarrassingly revealing post about it recently, while in the middle of a funk. Must be some weird mental virus going around.
MommaK says
Oh my goodness. Well, since I just quit smoking and am also trying to lose weight, I wold say that SALT just about sums up my existance. My husband was suppossd to quit smoking too but he has gone back to it just so he doesn’t kill me.
Wonderful post, dear. We should scream at each other sometime.
MommaK says
see…I can’t even spell