Possibly taking pity on me after my last post where I described my inability to deal well with boredom, Mary (Mert) from Almost Somewhat Positive tagged me to do this meme called, “5 Things You May Not Know About Me”. I’m not sure if my online ramblings have left many (any) things about me unknown, but we’ll see what we can come up with here.
1. I can trace my family line back to four people on the Mayflower; 2 people on my paternal grandfather’s side, and 2 people on my paternal grandmother’s side.
2. My choir director at Wake Forest University was Dr. Brian Gorelick, who besides being a fabulously talented choir director is also the brother of Kenny G. My sophomore year in college we did this mega production of “Carmina Burana” which Kenny G flew out to attend, and he sat in the seat directly in front of my brother in the audience.
3. I CANNOT STAND any fabric that has any kind of a nap-velvet, silk, suede, corduroy, velor you name it. Having to touch it literally makes my spine ache, it is just that repulsive to me.
4. I went to my senior prom in 1990 with the man to whom I am now married. (And yes, I DID know I wanted to marry him back then-I know a good thing when I see it! And no, I did NOT mention that little fact to him-I’m not stupid! :P)
5. I absolutely refuse to read or watch any stories about animals. I just cannot handle animal stories-they make me come completely unglued. So I’m probably the only person in America who’s never seen “The Lion King”. And I’m OK with that.
1. That’s hella cool. I can trace my ancestors back to 4 slaves on a Georgia plantation. Just kidding, they were slave traders.
2. So Kenny G is Kenny Gorelick?
3. I have the same problem. It wigs me out so bad. I’m clenching my teeth just thinking about it.
4. I didn’t.
5. I can watch them, but they bug me too. I hate how all the animals are vegetarians and different species all hang out together. It doesn’t make any sense.
Jenny, That is an awesome list! I think it’s so cool you can trace your ancestors like that. Me? I know I come 2 long lines of asshats, LOL!
I also think its funny that Kenny G is actually Gorelick, it kind of blows his image. G is cool, dude.
I am like that with any kind of wooden utensil/popsicle stick. the thought of licking something off of wood grain makes me gag, i am doing it right now just thinking about it! hey- why didn’t I think to put that in my list of 5? I will have to remember that for the next tag.
How romantic for you guys to be married! Love that! My husband was too shy to ask me out, I made the first move. :O)
I can’t watch animal rescue shows, I cry the whole time.
Thanks for playing, I’m glad I was able to help you with the boredom thing, if even just a littel.:D
Hi, Jenny. What a great new meme. I may have to swipe it sometime. I hope you had a great New Years Eve.
So glad I’m not the only one with, um, “eccentricities” š
So you are really into family history huh? I am too!
And…I also went to both of my proms with my husband! š