AKA, “If Something Is Stupid, I Am Going To Point It Out To Everyone.”
My husband: “I might get the Nintendo Wii before Christmas. If I do, then I’ll be asking for some of its accessories on my Christmas list.”
Me: “I heard that people are having a lot of trouble with those.”
My husband: “Yeah, apparently the strap keeps breaking on the wee-mote.”
Me: “Excuse me, the what?”
My husband: “Yes, that’s what it’s called. The Wii-mote.”
Me: “Hm, and apparently it was named by Elmer Fudd.” (“I wost my wee-mote. I wuv my wee-mote.”)
The Wii ROCKS! My friend Jeff got one and I am obsessed with it! You get to make your own “Mii”…mine is in a pink dress 🙂
I wondered how that was pronounced. Jeez. The latest, greatest.
OMG. I just spit Pepsi One all over my monitor.
How funny.
I guess that I’m just a friggin’ loser, I just never got into video games. So the whole thing is like watching monkees in a zoo for me. I’m standing outside the video game loving world, looking in and thinking, “They are SO different from me!” I have no desire to be in there.
Suggestion: For Christmas, go to Home Despot or somewhere, and buy all kinds of little hooks and metal attaching thingies, then go to like PetSmart and buy studded collars and straps of various colors and sizes, and maybe some super glue and dump it all in a box and wrap it for Christmas. When he opens it and sees all the loose items and says, “What’s all this?”, you can tell him it’s raw material for him to make his own secure wee-mote strap.
LOL Jenny, you make me smile every day! 🙂 Isn’t your life more complete now, knowing that?
You make me laugh!
Thank you all! I love knowing that I’ve brought you laughter 🙂
You get to make your own “Mii”…
Yeah, Trey was telling me all about this. I’m interested to see what they look like.
OMG. I just spit Pepsi One all over my monitor.
Then my work here is complete 😛
LOL Jenny, you make me smile every day! 🙂 Isn’t your life more complete now, knowing that?
Oh yes, absolutely!! 🙂
You make me laugh!
Thanks! My pleasure.