Last weekend after visiting my brother and sister-in-law, we went up to Virginia to visit my aunt, uncle, and cousins. We were there through the day after Labor Day, which meant that we were there when all of the kids returned from vacation to the daycare that my aunt runs.
As I am used to spending my days either alone, with cats, or with grownups, it was quite a different experience for me to be surrounded by a group of one and two-year-olds, especially when I overheard the kinds of conversations that routinely took place.
Like the time that my aunt had to yell out, “[Name of not-quite-two-year-old child], will you please STOP licking my chair!”
Or the time that I heard her helping another child to practice subject-verb agreement.
“Yes, she has,” I heard her say to the child. “She has poo.”
As someone who once had to literally write a social story for a little boy entitled “Licking things and people”, i could tell you stories. But i want you to be able to keep your lunch down so i wont…
Jenny, I’m assuming this was at my house? BEcause that sounds like my mom alright, and I’m sure I know who it was that was licking the chair. But the best qoute from the daycare was when Chase was chasing Melissa around the table. He happened to be naked chasing her with the cowboy doll from Toy Story. Screamin “Melissa, Melissa, Play with my WOODY!!” We died, laughing, he didn’t understand why of course….
Oh my gosh, I can’t BELIEVE that we weren’t there for the WOODY story! How awesome!
As someone who once had to literally write a social story for a little boy entitled “Licking things and people”…
Just imagining what that story says has kept me entertained for days! ๐