My husband just got off the phone with his sister. I told him that I heard my name while they were talking, and asked what they were saying about me.
My husband: “I told her you were going on a trip next week to visit some friends for your birthday. She said, ‘Ooh, Jenny’s going to party’.”
Me (snorting): “Yeah, with a pastor’s family. In a parsonage.”
My husband: “I know. That’s why I told her that you were partying ‘Jenny-style’.”
And lo, the truth, it doth hurt.
You know? the grass is always greener my friend. As someone who is way to familiar with hearing the shout out “drunk crse is in the house, hide the breakables” partying in a parsonage has such a nice sense of a party without regretful aftermath. Happy birthday! Keep us posted on the festivities!
Thanks, and I definitely will! I’m going to visit friends I’ve known since childhood but haven’t seen for many years. I forsee much hilarity and mirth 🙂