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This is officially Week 14 of Working Out With A Trainer. And I was so excited to go in and see her today, because I had PROGRESS to report! Namely, that I can tell I’ve lost inches around my waist because none of my pants will stay up anymore and now I am one of those “Baggy Pants People”.
So in order to “celebrate”, after every exercise on a machine I got to do 20 second drills of jumping jacks or jumping rope. (Clearly, she and I have completely different ideas of what constitutes a celebration.) And for my extra-special BONUS treat? Two sets of reverse curls on the incline bench.
Next time I’m just gonna buy a belt and keep my big mouth shut.
ROFL – well girl, at least you’re making progress. I’m sitting here sipping my soda thinking, “I really should get back into some regular exercie.” Blogging is just too darn fun. Heck, I haven’t even showered yet!! LOL
Thanks for stopping by my corner and commenting. It looks like I’ve found someone else I can relate to!!
Holly’s Corner
Hi, Holly,
Thanks for coming by and visiting. And I do want to point out that I have made a HUGE point with my trainer about how I am not giving up soda (otherwise known as The Elixer Of Life) for this program. I’ll just do more squats or something to make up for it. 🙂
Those people are completely fanatical. Not that Im even close to remotely exercising at this point but I gotta tell you, Im all about the lying for best possible outcomes. Of course Im not drinking soda, never touch the stuff. Nope dont eat chocolate. Fried foods? Pah. Yep Im disciplined. I just have a slow metabolism. Congratulations on your pants though!
You know, I think that my parents somehow programmed me when I was very young, because for my whole life it has just been like physically impossible for me to lie. So then I fall back on my highly honed inner rebel instead.
LOL! I guess a trainer wouldn’t be worth their weight in salt if they let you rest on your laurels. Sounds like you got yourself a winner there! Also sounds to me like you need to go shopping for a new wardrobe. Now that’s celebrating in my book. Congrats!
Thanks so much!